
Monday, September 15, 2014

Day In the Life of a Law Student

Before you go to law school, you have no idea what you are in for. People try to tell you it's bad. Less people tell you that it's good. But the typical, average day of a law student (at least this law student) goes as follows!

7:00 - 9:00am - wake up and immediately make coffee [just a sidenote - I hated coffee until I started law school]. Get ready for my day, read some blogs, skim over any reading that I may have forgotten about over a long break from class

UCLA Pool where I love to swim 

9:00am - noon: During 1L I had class during this period. This year, I don't actually start until 10:35 earliest. I try and go for a run or to the gym before my 10:35 classes

I can't complain when I get to walk by this everyday 
Noon - 1:00pm: Lunch period. Law school IS like middle school and you actually have a lunch break where no one meets for class. This is typically when all clubs hold meetings or events. Most of those meeting include free food, so it's pretty easy to get a free lunch almost every day (if you try hard enough. and you really like pizza).

1:00 - 6:00pm: Afternoon classes or library time. On tuesdays, I have class until 7:30 unfortunately. But during my breaks in between I usually just go to the library and do my homework for tomorrow.

UCLA Law Library
6:00 - 7:00pm: Make dinner or run errands, chores!

My favorite (and quickest) dinner = basil, tomato,
mozzarella and balsamic glaze

7:00-9:00pm: On busy weeks, I will have to continue to do homework or finish reading for the next day until 9. People say that you should treat law school like a 9-5 job. For some people, that might work. But for me, I've come to accept that it will not be like that for me. I tend to work better with some intermittent breaks scattered in between.

This is what our dining room table looked like last
 year when we were both in school (B has since graduated) 
9:00 - 11:00pm: Watch TV! Or read! My time to do whatever I want and try and wind down from my day. Main goal = don't think about law at all :)

Unless it is Suits, that is... 

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