
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

1/2 Marathon Training Update

As I type this, my legs are still jello from the 6 mile run I went on 2 days ago. I was supposed to go to spin class yesterday, but that definitely didn't work out. Oops. This past week was busy because I had my first moot court competition and Brett's parents were in town visiting, so my training schedule had a few too many rest days thrown in there. But I'll be back at it this week.

Heres what my schedule looked like last week:

Monday - Spin
Tuesday - Easy 3.5 Miles
Wednesday - 4.5 Mile loop around UCLA Campus (aka hills of death)
Thursday - cardio
Friday - rest
Saturday - rest
Sunday - 6 miles!!!

The 6 mile run was actually one of the best that I've had. I was so nervous because 6 miles used to seem so daunting to me. But honestly it went so well. I timed it so I was running right before sunset in Santa Monica. I ran to Venice on the beach, while the sun was setting, with the most perfect playlist. I'm pretty sure I looked like an idiot the entire time because I was smiling as I ran. And there were so many other runners around that it motivated me to keep going.

I tried to take some pictures to capture the wonderfulness, but they didn't exactly turn out..


Race Date = 14 weeks away!

PS - is anyone else shamelessly listening to Taylor Swift's new album? Cannot wait to add that to my runs this week :)

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