
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November Ramblings

November 1st might just be my favorite day of the year because it means I can finally start celebrating my favorite time of the year - the holidays!!!! This includes Thanksgiving, Christmas AND New Years. I lump them all together because 1) it makes my best friend less mad at me for listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving 2) its all a season and so its all part of the same happiness and 3) if thanksgiving music or thanksgiving trees existed, I WOULD GLADLY PARTAKE OKAY!? In NO way am I overriding Thanksgiving - I love thanksgiving as much as the next girl. Actually, I probably like thanksgiving even more than most girls because they involve my two favorite things in life -food and football (and family I guess...sorry family). In honor of the beginning of my most favorite season ever, here are some of my favorite things right now...

1. The episode of New Girl from last night - the Nick comedy was on point. (PS when I was searching for the best GIFs to use, I cracked up almost as hard as I did the first time)

2) This weekend, IT RAINED IN LOS ANGELES!!!! It happened on Halloween. And I didn't go out the actual night of Halloween but I stayed up until midnight just so I could go outside and spin in the rain. 

3) The fact that all the news people are saying that it's still supposed to be an El Nino year this year because for Southern Cali that means MORE RAIN! And that means, LESS DROUGHT. It's so depressing seeing how bad the drought has become in the past 3 years. If you haven't seen this pictures, let me show you: 

Note that the red is Extreme Drought and the maroon is exceptional drought. This is scary people. And people say global warming isn't real? Okay...  

3) Speaking of Halloween, recycling costumes is the best. For most of college, I was a ballerina. People started to make fun of me, but I'm a firm believer in spending the least amount of money possible when it comes to Halloween costumes. Sorry, I'm in a lot of debt okay? So this year, I decided to re-cycle the ballerina tutu since I haven't worn it in law school. I was a pig. It worked out nicely.

This year! 
And for some fun throwbacks- 

This is the tutu's first debut. Sophomore Year (2010) 

Here we are senior year (2012) 

4) THIS BOOK BECAUSE ITS AMAZING AND EVERYONE SHOULD READ IT. No, I am not biased because it takes place in Seattle. I am also not biased because it is about the crew team at my alma mater. But in all seriousness, I didn't think I would like it that much because no offense to crew people but it's not my fav. sport. But I can't stop thinking about it. 

5) The fact that my lovely home state (Washington State) just passed the toughest background checks for gun ownership in the whole entire country. Hell yes, you GO glen coco! I am so proud. Not to mention Seattle passed a universal preschool requirement. 

6) I just turned in my first draft of my "substantial analytic writing" requirement (basically it is a thesis) and it is required by the American Bar Association. It was 30 pages. With footnotes. And it was the longest paper I've ever written by myself. And the hard part is now over!

So I will be back to blogging more frequently now :) 


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